Charity Events
Wema International helps in campaigning and advocating for great causes through Volunteering, organizing, and participating in charity events and activities such as:
Charity walks and marathons to raise funds and to bring communities together.
We raise funds by making T-shirts to advertise for events.
We engage communities by giving back through managing donation bins and shipments like food, clothes, books, and other necessities.
Wema International encourages health & wellness through extracurricular activities that help nurture the talents that most of these children have. The organization partners and works with athletes and sports clubs who donate sports equipment and supplies. This creates a positive vibe while encouraging them to participate in various sports events Donations such as:
Sports attire, shoes, used cleats, soccer balls to promote wellness.
Holding special events that help nurture talents that most youths have but are unable to utilize due to lack of resources.
Field Trips
Most students in rural areas have never been to a museum or the big cities. Many of them spend their whole lives in the villages without a chance of going out to educational exhibitions and tours. Most of these children have lost hope of what they thought will be a better life and only focus within their limits, which is the shell between school life and village chores. Through our donors, Wema International sponsors:
Field trips for these children to attend museums, social and cultural centers.
Visiting reputable, successful companies that give them an insight as to what opportunities lay ahead for them.
These field trips will provide them with hope, joy, and the motivation to work hard towards their set goals and provide them with exposure to opportunities that they can aspire to get to.